How TaylorMade Uses Lucky Orange Dynamic Heatmaps

Mar 12, 2022

Published by: Lucky Orange
TaylorMade Driver
TaylorMade Driver

For nearly 40 years, the company has impressed customers with its exceptional golf products and accessories, but that alone won’t be enough in today’s digital world.

TaylorMade knew its customers would also demand an exceptional web experience, and thanks to

Lucky Orange’s dynamic heatmaps, meeting those demands was easier than ever before.

Off-the-green challenges

On the green, TaylorMade products are just as likely to be seen in the hands of novice and hobby golfers shooting a quick 9-holes at a local course as it would be filling the golf bags of professionals like Rory McIlroy or Jason Day to help them win their next tournament.

TaylorMade can’t guarantee its products can turn anyone into a professional, but it can give golfers the tools to perfect their golf game.

As golf fanatic Darrell Royal once said, “I do not let a bad score ruin my enjoyment for golf.”

Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for bad experiences on a website. TaylorMade, whose name is already synonymous with superior golf products, knew its website had to meet even higher expectations.

A bad golf swing is just as frustrating as a bad golf website, and TaylorMade wanted to make sure its clientele experienced neither.

Previous conversion optimization solutions were either too costly or too limiting. TaylorMade’s Lead User Experience Designer Nick Frame understood his team needed to be reactive to visitor issues, and these so-called conversion optimization “solutions” failed to meet this need.

With millions of visitors and customers flocking to each month, TaylorMade’s technical team realized it was time to find a digital tool to help the team identify website issues in real-time while evaluating successes and weaknesses of current and upcoming website improvements.

The answer: Lucky Orange

After researching and looking at all of the conversion optimization tools on the market, Nick found Lucky Orange to be the only tool worth seriously pursuing.

Especially when compared to its competitors, Lucky Orange had a complete set of conversion optimization features that could assist TaylorMade in making the customer’s journey excellent from product page to purchase.

Two Lucky Oranges features in particular stuck out above the rest:

  • Dynamic Heatmaps

  • User recordings

Combined, these features could provide TaylorMade with a wealth of information that was previously unattainable

It was clear that a Lucky Orange subscription was too good to turn down.

Using CRO tools to validate website insights

Nick wasted no time in installing Lucky Orange. Being able to immediately check any web page's dynamic heatmap was a major advantage Nick’s team had previously not been able to obtain.

As Nick explained, “Lucky Orange provided a platform that allows us to check any of our page's heatmaps "on the fly.”

The real-time aspect of dynamic heatmaps was just the first of many benefits TaylorMade experienced in using Lucky Orange.

Nick’s team discovered Lucky Orange features provided a wealth of insight. It would now be easier than ever to ensure that a user’s first experience was just as exceptional as it would be on their 20th visit.

For example, the team could access a dynamic heatmap for a specific page and then jump to individual user recordings to watch exactly what happened before and after an element was clicked. With this incredible breadth of information now available at their fingertips, the team could prioritize issues and validate changes without a subjective bias.

“The most notable improvement that Lucky Orange has provided is allowing our designers to elevate their work past personal or creative preference and into the realm of data-driven design,” Nick said. “That, paired with the knowledge of what problem is being solved for, has gotten our designs to better places more rapidly with a data trail to validate them.”

Dynamic heatmaps had another advantage – powerful segmentation capabilities provided an incredible amount of information for Nick’s team. From exploring browser-specific issues to narrowing data to a designated date range, the opportunities were virtually limitless.

Nearly all aspects of dynamic heatmaps were utilized by Nick’s team. Nick added that even the scroll-depth heatmap helped the team “validate the placement of elements and whether or not certain items are being seen or live ‘above the fold’.”

Keeping an active eye on users

Of course, the team does more than just validate changes or improvements.

Lucky Orange enabled TaylorMade to keep what Nick calls an “active eye” on users and where they struggled (or didn’t) while using the site. From dynamic heatmaps, Nick and his team can also jump quickly to see recordings of specific elements to watch exactly what a specific user did before, during, and after the “click.”

Not all the changes were validation-related though.

Internally, Lucky Orange has also helped prioritize redesign needs by identifying what issues can be pushed to the back-burner while others get placed at the very top of the list. Without this information, it would be difficult for TaylorMade to truly know where to best put the time of their website design team.

In the end, Nick and his team continue to sing praises about Lucky Orange.

“Lucky Orange is a helpful tool to add to our arsenal of data-driven design,” he stressed.

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