Using Optimizable Segments to improve your website experience

May 16, 2023

Published by: Lucky Orange
Lucky Orange Optimizable Segments Launch Announcement
Lucky Orange Optimizable Segments Launch Announcement

When it comes to understanding what visitors are doing on your site, it can be overwhelming trying to find a starting point. With so many metrics available, it's difficult to identify patterns in visitor behavior or find an actionable way to improve the user experience.

That’s why Lucky Orange developed this series of six key visitor segments with great potential for optimization.

What makes website visitor segmentation difficult?

Customer segmentation can be a tricky process—and often a time-consuming one.

It requires you to analyze large amounts of data, find patterns in behavior and then develop actionable insights from it. This can be difficult because there are so many factors that need to be taken into account when analyzing user behavior.

Additionally, the sheer amount of data available makes it hard to pinpoint exactly what is important or useful for understanding how visitors interact with your website. As such, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the information available, making website visitor segmentation a challenging task.

What we're doing to make it easier

Having an obvious starting point makes website analysis a whole lot easier. And while this can sometimes start with an existing hypothesis, you often enter with a blank state—open to optimizing just about anything.

With Lucky Orange Optimizable Segments, you have the perfect entry point to identify patterns in visitor behavior or take actionable steps to improve your user experience.

These segments are based on our experience with over 375,000 customer websites around the world—and we think you'll find immense value in incorporating them into your optimization work.

Optimizable Segments Dropdown

How to use

Log in to Lucky Orange, go to Visitors and then open the Saved Segments dropdown. Each Optimizable Segment will have a blue dot.

Optimizable Segments Dropdown with arrow

Pro tip: Customize these segments based on your specific company goals or current project KPIs—then click "Add new segment" to save it in your dropdown forever.

1) Frustrated Visitors

Poor web design and major technical issues can lead to frustrated visitors who may become discouraged and leave the site without engaging with any content or converting in any way.

Issues with usability can also cause frustration, such as confusing menus, intrusive pop-ups, or a lack of resources needed to complete a task.

Frustrated Visitors identifies visitors who shake their mouse or click several times in the same spot in quick succession (a "rage click"). Both of these behaviors are the result of physical frustration, likely caused by something on your site not working as expected or intended.

How to use:

This segment is great for spotting page elements that should be clicked or areas of your design that aren't functioning as expected.

Since visitors are clicking in an area multiple times, their click location is either on top of or near a page element that's causing their frustration.

Custom segment idea:

See if visitors are getting frustrated with your forms by adding 'repeated-field.' This will show people who filled out a form field more than once and also had a rage click or shaky mouse.

2) Confused Visitors

Web forms that are too long, unclear, or lack intuitive design can confuse visitors, making it difficult for them to complete the task. Additionally, when forms contain too many fields irrelevant to the user's purpose, it can cause frustration and confusion resulting in a lower completion rate.

Confused Visitors identifies people who've repeated a field on one of your forms.

How to use:

Once you identify which form field(s) are causing repeat entries, decide if the field is:

  • Lacking clarity around what you're actually asking them to enter

  • Asking for information people are hesitant to provide

  • Displaying incorrectly and causing confusion

Armed with this information, you can decide if you want to:

  • Change the preview text to help people understand what you're looking for

  • Change the order of fields to start or end with the difficult field

  • Remove the field entirely

  • Add the field to its own step in the conversion process

Custom segment idea:

Visitors who reach your forms are showing extremely high conversion intent.

We recommend segmenting this group further by looking at visitors who come from your most important paid or organic marketing sources.

Especially if you're spending money getting people to the site, you need them to convert at a high rate. If your form's layout is causing a repetition of a field, it's working against you.

3) Bounced Visitors

When visitors leave your site quickly, without engaging with any content or completing the task they set out to do, it indicates dissatisfaction with their experience on the site.

This leads to fewer conversions and sales, as well as a loss of potential customers who may have been interested in what you had to offer but were unable to find it due to poor navigation or design issues.

When your target customers have bad experiences they are less likely to come back in the future which further impacts revenue and customer loyalty.

Bounced Visitors identifies people who visited two or fewer pages during their time on your site.

How to use:

This is a great entry point for broader optimization efforts. In general, a quick bounce indicates a poor experience. This could be content that didn't match what the user wanted, the site loaded too slowly or they landed on an out-of-stock item.

Consider how a high percentage of bounced visitors would make you change your marketing efforts.

It's worth noting that a quick bounce may also indicate the visitor got what they needed (an answer to a question by reading your blog post) and left.

With someone like that, see if there's any way you can encourage them to click through to 2-3 more blog posts or engage with other parts of your site.

Custom segment idea:

Which traffic sources do you expect a higher-than-average session length from? Which sources need to view more pages to reach the desired action?

4) Engaged Visitors

A successful visit typically includes visiting at least a few pages and spending more than a minute searching your site.

This is because visitors usually need to explore the site, check out different products or services offered, read content, watch videos and learn about the company before deciding to make a purchase or take further action.

By analyzing this data, businesses can gain insight into which visitors are most likely to convert so they can focus their efforts on engaging those users with tailored content and offers that will increase sales.

Time on site can vary greatly depending on your industry and purchase flow. The average time on-site for e-commerce stores ranges from 44 seconds to 1 minute and 22 seconds. For this segment, we've used 1 minute as a good starting point across all industry types.

Engaged Visitors identifies people who saw three or more pages and had a session duration of more than one minute during their time spent on your site.

How to use:

These visitors are engaged, but are they converting? Use this segment to see if the positive engagement indicators align with other behaviors and events in your conversion funnel.

Customized segment ideas:

Add a filter for people who add to cart or download a piece of content.

Or if you prefer to go up a step in the funnel, filter for people who reached a certain page that indicates a step forward like a shopping cart or other key section.

5 & 6) Visitors with Chat & Survey respondents

Visitors who chat or complete a survey represent a very specific group of people that should be monitored closely.

These visitors are often more engaged and willing to provide valuable feedback about their user experience, which can provide invaluable insight into your website's performance.

By tracking these types of users, you can identify areas where your pages need improvement or potential opportunities for growth. Analyzing the feedback from these visitors can help you tailor your content and offerings in order to meet their needs better.

All in all, monitoring chatters and survey respondents allows for more targeted marketing efforts and improved customer service experiences—both of which are essential for any successful business today.

Visitors with chat identifies people who participated in a live chat (using the Lucky Orange Live Chat tool) while on your site.

Survey Respondents identifies people who completed a Lucky Orange Survey while on your site.

How customer segments improve everything from marketing strategy to overall business outcome

We aim to help you focus on key audience groups that matter most and study their behavior in detail. Whether your focus is on current customers, paid campaign landing pages or customer segmentation in general—use the power of Lucky Orange to make it easier.

Get more out of your marketing budget and understand your customer base better by starting a free trial of Lucky Orange today. Our team is here to help if you have any questions.

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